Sunday, March 11, 2012

Invest Your Heart

Our kids at peace school say it all! Let us invest our love, passion and heart into nurturing their young dreams!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sarswati Peace School-Nourish International Partnership

We are extremely proud to unveil our newest partner, Nourish International!

Nourish International started as a group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 2005 it became a 501(c) (3), a non-profit. Nourish International was founded on the idea that social entrepreneurship and sustainable development are the best ways to eradicate global poverty. In order to make this come true, they believe that this desire has to come from within communities, and that they can use students as a means to make it happen faster.

Since then, every year Nourish has been adding chapters across the United States. There are now 24 chapters from coast to coast. We will be closely working with UC Davis Chapter. This is Nourish-UCSB's first year as a chapter.

Nourish International has started a month long online fundraiser! Using, soliciting donations to support the construction of the school! 

This summer, peace school will welcome a team of Nourish volunteers to our school to build soccer field and classrooms! 

Please join their Facebook group.